Corporate News, Press Releases



Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29 January 2024 – Wires and cables manufacturer, Master Tec Group Berhad (“Master Tec” or “Group”; Stock Name: MTEC and Stock Code: 0295), made its debut on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad today. This is one step closer to the Group’s plan to construct two new manufacturing plants in Alor Gajah, Melaka and to purchase new machineries and equipment to venture into the manufacturing of medium voltage power cables.

This expansion will enable the Group to market its new products to mostly capital- intensive manufacturing industries that demand higher voltage of electricity power transmission, such as automotive plants, semiconductor fabrication plants, chemical plants on top of electric vehicle manufacturing plants and their charging station facilities.

Dato’ Lau Kim San, Managing Director of Master Tec commented,

“As a cables and wires provider, we are always mindful of the opportunities coming from various new infrastructure projects and renewable energy projects to be rolled-out under the National Energy Transition Roadmap and new manufacturing facilities to be established under the New Industrial Master Plan 2030. We believe that we will be able to quickly adapt to market changes and develop new products to extend our reach into new market segments.

Our expanded production capacity is capable of producing up to 3,600 tonnes of medium voltage power cables per year. This strategic expansion plan will allow us to meet increasing market demand and to fulfil larger orders from various market segments. We are specifically optimistic about our prospects over next 2 to 3 years as driven by robust demand for wires and cables from various sectors. Besides power utility companies that are involved in power transmission and distribution such as Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Sarawak Energy Berhad and Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd, we also anticipate to receive stronger demand from industries such as construction, property development, oil and gas, electric vehicle and energy intensive data centres in the near future.”

On 24 January 2024, Master Tec reported a profit after tax (PAT) of RM5.775 million in the individual third quarter ended 30 September 2023 (3Q FYE2023) and a PAT of RM19.407 million for the cumulative 9-month financial period ended 30 September 2023 (9M FYE2023). This was mainly driven by better product mix and higher profit contribution from the sales of aluminium-cored wires and cables. The enhanced profitability has led to improved PAT margins with the Group having achieved a PAT margin of 8.86% in 3Q FYE2023 and a PAT margin of 9.55% in 9M FYE2023.

Master Tec’s PAT of RM19.407 million in 9M FYE2023 even after charging one off listing expenses of RM1.394 million was still able to match PAT of RM19.555 million for the full financial year (12-months) ended 31 December 2022. Without the one-off listing expenses of RM1.394 million, the reported profit before tax of RM26.632 million could have been RM28.026 million in 9M FYE2023. After listing, Master Tec will target a dividend policy to distribute 30% of its annual audited profit after tax attributable to shareholders as dividends, subject to business performance and cash flow requirements of the Group every year, to reward all their shareholders.

From the proceeds of RM61.659 million raised from the IPO exercise, Master Tec plans to utilise RM16.783 million (27.22%) to construct two new medium voltage power cable manufacturing plants in Melaka, RM24.387 million (39.55%) to purchase new machineries and equipment, RM16.289 million (26.42%) for general working capital and RM4.200 million (6.81%) to pay off listing expenses.

(From left) Master Tec Group Berhad Independent Director Mr. Yee Ying Sung, Master Tec Group Berhad Chief Executive Officer Mr. Tee Kok Hwa, Datin Tina Ong Mae Ching, Master Tec Group Berhad Managing Director Dato’ Lau Kim San, Master Tec Group Berhad Independent Chairman Datuk Saleh Bin Mohd Dom, Master Tec Group Berhad Independent Director Ms. Hooi Lian Jye, Master Tec Group Berhad Independent Director Ms. Fong Hui Fong and SJ Securities Sdn Bhd Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Dato’ Ahmad Azman.


Founded in 2005, Master Tec manufactures and distributes a wide range of low- voltage power cables, control and instrumentation cables and larger sizes of solar direct current power cables. The Group is also involved in the trading and distribution of a wide range of medium voltage power cables, fibre optic cables and smaller sizes of solar direct current power cables.

All three well-equipped manufacturing plants are located in Alor Gajah, Melaka, Malaysia. The Group has an accumulated production capacity to produce up to 9,500 tonnes of wires and cables annually. The Group has the capacity to produce up to 4,000 tonnes of copper-cored wires and cables and up to 5,500 tonnes of aluminium-cored wires and cables per year.

The Group’s quality, safe and high-performance wires and cables are utilised in diverse sectors including power utilities, renewable energy, property development and construction, oil and gas, infrastructures, public transportation, manufacturing, industrial, electrical and electronics and telecommunications.

Issued by: Maxamis Consultancy Services on behalf of Master Tec Group Berhad
For further media enquiries, kindly contact:

Mr Tan Yap Seng
Appointed Investor Relations and Media Relations Consultant
Telephone Number: +6016 – 328 1828

Mr Tee Kok Hwa
Chief Executive Officer
Master Tec Group Berhad
Telephone Number: +606 – 316 1111 Ext: 120

Company Address:
RM 1299-A, Kawasan Perindustrian Rembia 78000 Alor Gajah, Melaka, Malaysia.

全能科技集团在上市后将加强扩张计划,并采纳 30% 股息派发政策

马来西亚吉隆坡,2024 年 1 月 29 日 – 电线和电缆制造商全能科技集团 (“Master Tec”; 股票名称:MTEC,股票代码:0295) 今天在大马证券交易所的 ACE 市场上市。 这对全能科技集团计划在马六甲亚罗牙也建造两家新的制造工厂,并计划购买新的机器和设备以涉足制造中压电力电缆的距离又近了一步。


全能科技集团的董事总经理拿督刘金山(Dato’ Lau Kim San) 评论道:

“ 作为 前锋 之 一电 缆和 电 线供 应商 , 我们始 终 牢记 来自 根 据国家 能 源转 型路 线 图 (National Energy Transition Roadmap) 推出的各种新基础设施项目和可再生能源项目,以及根据 2030 年新工业总体规划 (New Industrial Master Plan 2030) 将建立新制造厂带来的机会。我们能够快速适应市场变化并开发新产品,以将我们的业务范围扩展到新的细分市场。

我们扩大的生产能力每年能够生产多达 3,600 吨中压电力电缆。这一战略扩张计划将使我们能够满足日益增长的市场需求,并满足来自各个细分市场的更大订单。我们对未来 2 至 3 年的前景特别乐观,这是由于各行各业对电线和电缆的强劲需求。除了参与输配电源的电力公司,如国家电力有限公司、砂拉越能源有限公司和沙巴电力私人有限公司对电线和电缆有强劲的需求外,我们还预计在不久的将来,建筑、房地产开发、石油和天然气、电动汽车和能源密集型数据中心等行业对电线和电缆的需求预测将变成更加的强劲。“

在 2024 年 1 月 24 日, 全能科技集团公布了其 2023 年第 3 季度的财务业绩。全能科技集团在截至 2023 年 9 月 30 日的第三季度(FYE2023 第三季度)的税后盈利为 577 亿 500 万令吉,截至 2023 年 9 月 30 日的累计 9 个月财政期间(9 个月 FYE2023)的税后盈利为 1940 万 700 万令吉。这主要是来自于产品销售结构的改善,以及铝芯电线电缆的销售提高了盈利贡献。全能科技集团盈利能力的提高也带动了税后盈利率的提高,这使全能科技集团能够在 FYE2023 第三季度达到了 8.86% 的税后盈利率,更在 9个月 FYE2023 达到了 9.55%的税后盈利率。

即使扣除了 139.4 万令吉一次性的上市费用,在 9 个月 FYE2023 中, 全能科技集团的税后盈利达到 1940 万 700 万令吉,仍能与在截至 2022 年 12 月 31 日的整个财政年度的 12 个月中 1955.5 万令吉的税后盈利相匹配。当全能科技集团将 139.4 万令吉的一次性上市费用回扣后,原先在 9 个月 FYE2023 报道的税前盈利为 2663.2 万令吉,这个 9 个月 FYE2023 的税前盈利可以调整得更高,以达到 2802 万 602 万令吉。

上市后,全能科技集团将采纳30% 的股息派发政策,根据集团每年的业务表现及现金流的要求,派发每年度经审核应占股东税后利润的 30% 作为股息,以回报所有股东。

全能科技集团的 IPO 计划将筹集到 6165.9 万令吉的资金。全能科技集团将应用 1678万 300 万令吉(27.22%)在马六甲建造两家新的中压电力电缆制造厂,应用 2438.7万令吉(39.55%)来购买新机器和设备,应用 1628.9 万令吉(26.42%)于一般营运资金,剩余的 420 万令吉(6.81%)用于偿还上市费用。

(左起)全能科技集团独立董事余仁松先生 (Yee Ying Sung),全能科技集团首席执行员郑国华 (Tee Kok Hwa) 先生, 拿汀蒂娜王美琴 (Datin Tina Ong Mae Ching), 全能科技集团董事总经理拿督刘金山 (Dato’ Lau Kim San), 全能科技集团独立主席拿督萨利赫 (Datuk Saleh Bin Mohd Dom), 全能科技集团独立董事许莲洁女士 (Hooi Lian Jye),全能科技集团独立董事洪慧芳女士 (Fong Hui Fong) 和 SJ 证券董事总经理兼首席证券执行员拿督阿末阿兹曼 (Dato’ Ahmad Azman)。


全能科技集团成立于 2005 年,生产和销售各种低压电力电缆、控制和仪表电缆以及较大尺寸的太阳能直流电力电缆。集团也从事贸易和分销各种中压电力电缆、光纤电缆和较小尺寸的太阳能直流电力电缆。

全能科技集团所有三个设备齐全的电缆和电线制造工厂均位于马来西亚马六甲亚罗牙也 (Alor Gajah)。集团每年累计年产量的电线和电缆是 9,500 吨。集团每年可生产4,000 吨铜芯电线电缆和 5,500 吨铝芯电线电缆。


Maxamis Consultancy Services 代表全能科技集团颁发新闻稿


电话号码:+6016 – 328 1828


电话号码:+606 – 316 1111 分机号:120

RM 1299-A, Kawasan Perindustrian Rembia 78000 Alor Gajah, Melaka, Malaysia.